Here to help you

Life is hard AND you are not alone!

With my experience and explicitly warm, caring, authentic and informal stance, I help and guide expats, immigrants, intercultural couples and international residents, living in Zürich, and around the world, in their path of transformation growth, healing and integration.

The evidence based maps and compasses I use are experiential, relational, brain-, emotion-, and body-focused since latest research has shown that merely talking about or having insight about our problems doesn't change them. Long lasting change happens when we:

  • have new experiences within a safe, collaborative, empathic and compassionate therapeutic relationship; which slowly facilitates the process of connecting our stories with our emotions and body-sensations;

  • difficult and traumatic experiences, and related maladaptive beliefs, emotions and coping strategies can be identified, befriended and reprocessed; and

  • our core Self and its inner strengths and resources can be released, and adaptive coping strategies, emotions and beliefs can be accessed, invited, developed and fostered.

Look through my website to learn more about me and my services, then reach out when you're ready to get started.

I look forward to hearing from you!